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the Energy Management

A platform for Energy Management

the Energy Management: a software platform with tools for the commercial, industrial and public sectors, which enables users to optimise and control utility use in real time, improving the management of all your utility vectors.

The Energy Management platform and tools allow you to:

* Take control of your energy consumption
* Manage, monitor and reduce your energy costs
Monitor your assets' real efficiency
Optimize your energy buying and/or production
Make energy management part of your corporate responsibility!

the Energy Management

Software to manage, monitor and control your organisation's utility use.

Monitoring & Targeting allows quick and easy management energy consumption at both site level and right down to individual items of plant. Easy to configure for single and multi-site with a hierarchic organisation in both a physical (company> site>productive area>line>machine etc) and logical way (company>energy vector>user, etc).
Increase efficiency and reduce waste through efficient management and control of consumption.
Reduce costs and optimise the use of resources.

Bill Verification is a valuable aid to controlling costs of multi-site companies. It enables clients to produce their own bills using their actual contract prices and identifies differences with the supplier's invoice. With the Bill Verification Module it  possible to 
import invoicing data in electronic format or direct from energy meters and to compare the invoiced costs with the simulated costs based on recorded consumption, generating alarm messages in case of discrepancy.
Safe and efficient control detects and highlights possible errors from providers.
Reduces costs Avoid invoicing errors, overpayments and forecast possible overspends.

Budget Control allows energy consumption planning to meet your application needs (daily, weekly, monthly, or per year) and subsequent monitoring and control. Any deviations from the ideal model or consumption will be classified by their cause (internal management causes, external causes, energetic inefficiency).
Reduces costs by enabling you to efficiently plan the energy budget of your organisation, based on real consumption.

The Photovoltaic Module enable you to manage photovoltaic (PV) installations, with monitoring and diagnosis of each element. The aim of this module is to increase the availability of the plant in order to reduce the time in which you see a return on the investment, in order to maximize profits.
To increase profits a timely management of any malfunction of the plant allows to reduce downtime, increasing income and reducing the time to recover the investment.
To reduce inefficiency real time control of the plant’s performance increases knowledge about the state of health of the system and quickly detects any loss of efficiency ensuring the best performance from the plant.


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For more details or to arrange a visit contact us.